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CV | : | CV LInk |
The Government of Nepal has recognized that sound population policy formulation in the area of population and development, and the effective and efficient implementation of population policy depend on competent professional advice, research and analysis. The Government of Nepal has, therefore, worked with Tribhuvan University (TU) to establish a high quality research and training institution to serve the country's population and development program. The Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS) was established in 1988 by T.U. Council. Since 1990, CDPS has been modestly funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). It has grown and developed for the more than 30 years and has made significant contributions to the nation's population dynamics sector. The Department is also a focal point for conducting training and research activities for the government agencies, namely Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP). Besides, it has been working in collaboration with other several sectoral ministries and policy making and planning agencies. It is envisaged that CDPS will continue to grow, in line with the evolving needs for research and training in the country; and that it will emerge in due course as a major research and training center in South Asia.
Contact Address | : | Central Department of Population Studies |
Contact. No | : | [email protected] |
: | : 977-1-4330716/4331323 | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
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CV | : | CV LInk |
Women NGOs Federation (WNF) is a member-based umbrella organization of women-led non-governmental Nepali organizations. It was founded with the aim of creating an inclusive and powerful entity of women’s voices. The federation works to further strengthen the feminist projects that many Nepali women have already started while also building a network of support, collaboration and inclusivity in diversity. WNF works closely with federal and provincial governments as well as the Social Welfare Council to underscore and bolster the work of women-led NGOs.
Mission: to empower women-led organizations by creating and strengthening a strong and unified voice for gender equality and meaningful representation of diverse women at all levels.
Theory of Change: with a diverse and unified group of women’s organizations, we will be a collective voice for women and change. The network of NGOs will support and collaborate with the programs of individual organizations while simultaneously contributing to the larger feminist movement through local, grassroots-level programming and policy-level advocacy.
WNF is an autonomous, independent, and non-partisan organization, governed by its own constitution. WNF has 300 women-led NGOs affiliated with it in all 77 districts.
Together, we can make a difference!
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CV | : | CV LInk |
The executive committee is comprised of 26 members including a president, vice-president, secretary-general, secretary, treasurer, and representatives of organizations from all seven provinces. All the members of the executive committee are experienced and well-known personalities in NGO management.
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CV | : | CV LInk |
The Government of Nepal has recognized that sound population policy formulation in the area of population and development, and the effective and efficient implementation of population policy depend on competent professional advice, research and analysis. The Government of Nepal has, therefore, worked with Tribhuvan University (TU) to establish a high quality research and training institution to serve the country's population and development program. The Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS) was established in 1988 by T.U. Council. Since 1990, CDPS has been modestly funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Contact Address | : | |
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CV | : | CV LInk |
Central Department of Population Studies has shifted from annual system to semester system since 2013/14 academic year.
Admission Process and Number of Students
Admission for each batch of MA program will be opened once a year. A candidate shall apply in the prescribed form, obtained from the office of the Department or Dean’s Office, following payment of necessary fees. In order to take an admission, Dean’s office or the department will run an eligibility test/qualifying examination as entrance examination. On the basis of merit of entrance examination, name list of students to be admitted will be published. Marks obtained by the student at Bachelor level could also be another basis of framing merit of admission. There will be 50 students in one section in all disciplines and number of sections will be determined on the basis of availability of teaching faculty and basic infrastructure.
Admission Criteria
Prospective students of MA in Population Studies must have Bachelors’ degree in any disciplines recognized by Tribhuvan University. Students are admitted by screening through an entrance examination.
Courses and Credit Hours
The MA program follows the credit system and consists of two semesters per year. Each course is assigned to a certain number of credits. The courses have been assessed by an internal assessment (40%) and an end-of-semester exam (60%). This course comprises a total of 60 credit hours spreading over four semesters with the following courses:
First Semesters: 5 Courses * 3 credit hours = 15 credit hours
Paper |
Code No. |
Subject Title |
Full Marks |
Compulsory Courses |
I. |
Pop. 551 |
Principles of Demography-I |
50 |
II. |
Pop. 552 |
Applied Statistics for Population Studies |
50 |
III. |
Pop. 553 |
Demographic Methods for Population Analysis-I |
50 |
IV. |
Pop. 554 |
Population, Health and Development |
50 |
V. |
Pop. 555 |
Population, Resource and Development |
50 |
Second Semesters: 5 Courses * 3 credit hours = 15 credit hours
Paper |
Code No. |
Subject Title |
Full Marks |
Compulsory Courses |
VI. |
Pop. 556 |
Principles of Demography – II |
50 |
VII. |
Pop. 557 |
Population Dynamics and Nepalese Society |
50 |
Pop. 558 |
Demographic Methods for Population Analysis – II |
50 |
IX. |
Pop. 559 |
Research Methods for Population Analysis |
50 |
X. |
Pop. 560 |
Population Poverty and Human Development |
50 |
Third Semesters: 5 Courses * 3 credit hours = 15 credit hours
Paper |
Code No. |
Subject Title |
Full Marks |
Compulsory Courses |
XI. |
Pop. 561 |
Computer Application in Population Studies (census and survey data analysis) |
50 |
XII. |
Pop. 562 |
Migration and Development |
50 |
Pop. 563 |
Demographic Methods for Population Analysis – III |
50 |
XIV. |
Pop. 564 |
Population, Gender and Development |
50 |
XV. |
Pop. 565.1 |
Population and Development Policies |
50 |
Pop. 565.2 |
Demographics of Ageing and Social Welfare |
Pop. 565.3 |
Population, Environment and Development |
Pop. 565.4 |
Urbanization and Urban Rural Linkage |
Fourth Semester: 3 Courses * 3 credit hours = 9 credit hours plus Thesis 6 credit hours = 15 credit hours
Paper |
Code No. |
Subject Title |
Full Marks |
Compulsory Courses |
XVI. |
Pop. 566 |
Population Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation |
50 |
Pop. 567 |
Demographic Methods for Population Analysis – IV |
50 |
Pop. 568.1 |
Health, Morbidity and Mortality |
50 |
Pop. 568.2 |
Reproductive Health |
Pop. 568.3 |
Population and Social Justice |
Pop. 568.4 |
Family and Household Demography |
Pop. 568.5 |
Population and Conflict Resolution |
Pop. 569 |
Thesis |
100 |
The CDPS attempts to provide short-term training on the applications of micro-computer to the students during their second academic year in order to facilitate their thesis work. This provision is entirely based on cost recovery and time basis.
Teaching Mode
CDPS/TU has initiated teaching through virtual means. TU Central authority has prepared the email ID for all faculties and staff for virtual teaching. In the beginning of lock-down of the country due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CDPS has run the classes using zoom and now it has been introducing Teams for teaching purpose. Once the situation comes normal, CDPS/TU shall begin teaching face-to-face.
Contact Address | : | Address: Kirtipur Municipality, Ward No. 2, Kathmandu Nepal |
Contact. No | : | 977-9851128857 |
: | :[email protected] , [email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Yogendra B Gurung (PhD), Professor at Central Department of Population Studies, Tribhuvan University, is trained in Population Studies and Development Studies. He pursued his Master’s Degree in Population Studies at Tribhuvan University and in Development Studies at Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands and PhD at Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has also gained professional training on Demographic Techniques at Center for Population Studies (CPS), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, on survey research at Survey Research in Institute of Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan, USA, and on impact evaluation research in a number of workshop/training organized/supported by the World Bank and others. He has more than 25 years of experience in teaching and social science research. He has been continuously updating his expertise through various training, workshop/ seminars and research activities.
Dr. Gurung has published a number of research articles in peer reviewed national and international journals. In addition, he also has a number research monographs published at both national and international levels.
Dr. Gurung’s main area of interest is survey research mainly focused on impact evaluation, social inclusion/exclusion, poverty, education, child labour, migration and development. He is well acquainted with both quantitative and qualitative research methods including survey design, sampling, data collection and analysis, however, volume of work is more on quantitative methods. He has conducted several nationally representative household surveys mainly related to inclusion and poverty in Nepal. He is well aware of both paper based and CAPI based surveys. He also has an interest in education and its socio-economic and cultural correlates. Currently, he has been involved in quite a big survey research project, A Study of the State of Social Inclusion in Nepal (SOSIN), being carried out by Central Department of Anthropology, Tribhuvan University and commissioned by the USAID/Nepal. He is team leader of one of its components, Nepal Social Inclusion Survey, which is based on 36,000 interviews in about 18,000 households throughout the country. He is equally versed in policy research. He was involved in a number policy researches on child labour and child rights in relation to time-bound project of elimination of child labour with International Labour Organization (ILO) during 2000s. He was involved as one of the team members for preparing 13th Interim Plan of Nepal. He also conducted a policy research on the impact of COVID-19 on gender and social inclusion in Nepal for NPC and prepared a technical paper for the latest Population and Development Policy in Nepal. He has good experience in collaborative research with national and international team and organizations. He has considerable working experience with government, the World Bank, USAID Nepal, CMI Norway, SDC, and a number of INGOs/NGOs. Dr. Gurung has been associated with a number of professional organizations. He is life member of Population Association of Nepal (PAN) and member of Asian Population Association (APA). He has served as an expert member in National Population Committee (2009-014) and National Population Council (2017-019), Government of Nepal. He is currently a member of a subcommittee on Research on Children in National Child Rights Council (NCRC), the Government of Nepal.
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CV | : | CV LInk |
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CV | : | CV LInk |
This program is designed to develop the professional skills of faculty members and to establish linkage with other national and international institutions. Under this program, depending upon available funds, faculty members may go abroad for:
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CV | : | CV LInk |
The main objective for establishing CDPS is to increase the national capacity for training, research and policy analysis in the area of population and development. The specific objectives are:
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CV | : | CV LInk |
The Department receives regular support from Tribhuvan University. CDPS received UNFPA assistance from 1990 till 2007 including the physical infrastructure. It has also been working as an implementing partner of UNFPA for the Seventh Country Program (2013-2017) and Eight Country Program (2018-2022) activities. CDPS also received technical assistance from Department for International Development (DFID) to support institutional linkages with the Centre for Population Studies (CPS), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Bank and the British Council/DFID have been recurrent sources of funding for small and medium scale research and curriculum development. In addition, the Department receives the grants from Higher Education Project of Tribhuvan University for strengthening the virtual teaching in the context of Covid-19 pandemic.
Contact Address | : | N/As |
Contact. No | : | 977-9841382556 |
: | :[email protected], [email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Prof. Mahendra Prasad Sharma (Baglung, Nepal) is Professor of Population Studies and affiliated with the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal. His field of expertise is Ageing, Fertility, Health and Development. He has a number of national/international publications on various aspects of population, ageing, fertility, health and development. He has participated and presented papers in the national/international seminars/workshops/conferences on various aspects of population and development, ageing, fertility, health, environment and development.
Prof. Sharma has about 27 years of teaching and research experiences in TU and has been supervising M.A, M. Phil. Theses in Population Studies. He has been a principal investigator and researcher in several research projects of the national level conducted by the CDPS, TU for the Ministry of Health and Population; Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare. He was also the Deputy Controller of the Examination Controller Office, Balkhu, TU for one tenure from July 16, 2012 to 15 July 2014.
Prof. Sharma's professional involvement includes: Resource Person/Advisor for the GOs/NGOs/INGOs and National Universities; Executive Member (2012 - 14) Population Association of Nepal (PAN); Member Technical Committee of the National Population Census 2021 (2078 BS), National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal; Member (2017-2019) National Population Council Chaired by the Right Honorable Prime Minister, Government of Nepal; Member (October 18, 2011- 2022) of Standing Committee, Population Studies Subject Committee, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal and Member of Population Subject Committee (2016 - 2022) at +2 level, Ministry of Health Science and Education, Government of Nepal, CDC, Sanothimi, Nepal.
Prof. Sharma was awarded Nepal's Central Bank fellowship to accomplish his Bachelor level, Full Freeship in MA; UGC Nepal Fellowship to accomplish his MPhil and also obtained Ph.D. fellowship from Tribhuvan University, Coordination Division Central Office, TU, Nepal.
Prof. Sharma has published several books in Population Studies (+2 Level to Bachelor and Master Level) and several articles at national and international journals.
Prof. Sharma has visited number of countries including Singapore, Hongkong, South Korea, China, and India.
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CV | : | CV LInk |
Keshab Prasad Adhikari (PhD, Tribhuvan University, Nepal in Gender and Childhood Poverty) is currently working as an Associate Professor of Population Studies and coordinator of Masters Programme in Labour Studies, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Dr. Adhikari has gained teaching and research specialization in the areas of poverty & multidimensional poverty; labour relations, and labour migration; access to finance for poverty reduction and social wellbeing; gendered and child poverty and child protection. He has also gained specialization in project planning, monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) and population ageing, and social security issues.
Dr. Adhikari did MA in Population Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 1989, and MA in Development Studies in the major of Population and Development from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) the Hague, the Netherlands in 1999. In March 2015, he earned the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FoHSS), Tribhuvan University.
Dr. Adhikari has experience in conducting large-scale research projects and baseline surveys with academic importance from the Central Department of Population Studies, TU for the Government of Nepal, UN agencies, and bilateral development Partners (for detail see the CV). Dr. Adhikari is also instrumental in designing specialized courses from undergraduate (Four year BA in Population Studies, TU) to Masters’, M.Phill and course-based Ph.D. level in the field of Population and Development.
Dr. Adhikari has participated in a various national and international seminars, workshops, and conferences and has authored and co-authored many research articles, books, and reports. Currently, he is the supervisor of four and co-supervisor of four Ph.D. fellows under the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tribhuvan University. He has more than 26 years of experience working with public, private, and multinational organizations in the country as a team leader to conduct large scale baseline household surveys and policy and evaluation studies.
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CV | : | CV LInk |
CDPS library supports it's academic and research programs providing the service to it's faculties and students and also welcomes all the users who are concerned and need with the information on demography
CDPS library is inherited with the department from the beginning of its establishment from 1992. In the beginning, the library was established with the support of the UNFPA project with keen initiation of the founder, head of the Department Prof.Dr. Bal Kumar KC to promote and support the newly introducing subject, the population.
The library is totally a reference library so the books and other reading materials should be used within the library premises. The library has it’s collection specially on demography and demography supporting topics like Migration, Family planning, reproductive health, social justice, etc. The collections are basically books, journals, research papers, thesis and dissertations. The collections has been developed by purchasing and gift from different institutions and as personal donation. Library has it’s collection about 10, 000 volumes. Library has maintained different bibliographic databases for different collections like for books, research papers, thesis and dissertations, Nepali collections and UN collections.
The library collections under different title are available online in this website.
Contact Address | : | Kirtipur Municipality-5, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, NEPAL |
Contact. No | : | 977-01-4333528; Mobile: 977-9741031526 |
: | :[email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Bhim Raj Suwal (PhD, Tribhuvan University) is an Associate Professor at Central Department of Population Studies, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. Dr. Suwal specializes in demographic techniques, human migration, research design, scientific sample design and estimation, planning and execution of large-scale surveys, and quantitative data analysis. He has received a two-month intensive training on scientific sample design from the University of Michigan, USA. He has worked at different capacities in a number research projects on poverty, water supply, reproductive health, forced labour, human trafficking, and child labour supported by the Government of Nepal and development partners. He also served as Assistant Dean (PhD Coordinator) and Acting Dean in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University
Contact Address | : | Kirtipur Municipality Ward no. 2, Kathmandu, Nepal |
Contact. No | : | N/A |
: | :[email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Mr. Balkrishna Mabuhang has been teaching at the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS) for the last 26 years. He earned his Master Degree in Population Studies from CDPS, Tribhuvan University. He is pursuing the Ph.D. degree on ‘Impact of Earthquake, 2015 on vulnerable population’. Mr. Mabuhang has been involving in different research activities conducted by the CDPS and other institutions/ organizations. He has presented several working papers in national and international seminars. There are many articles written on contemporary social and political issues and published by him. Mr. Mabuhang is also actively involving on issues and rights of indigenous peoples of Nepal.
Contact Address | : | 957/33 Swayambhu, Bhuikhel, Amar Chitrakar Marg, Kathmandu-15, Nepal |
Contact. No | : | 977-1-4323331 (Off.); 977-1-4278136 (Res.); 977-9841279769 (Cell) |
: | :[email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Dhanendra Veer Shakya, PhD, is Associate Professor in Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS) at Tribhuvan University (TU), Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. He has been working at CDPS, TU since last 25 years. In the past, at earlier stage of employment, he also worked in CEMAT Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd., Kathmandu for two years.
He received his PhD in Population Studies (Dissertation entitled Vulnerability of Nepalese Youth in Contracting HIV/AIDS from Unsafe Sex) from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu in 2013. Fellowship Grant was awarded by University Grant Commission, Nepal. Similarly, He acquired Master of Arts in Population Studies from Central Department of Population Studies, TU; Bachelor of Science from Tri-Chandra College, TU; Intermediate of Science from Amrit Science College, TU; and Secondary Level of schooling from Ananda Kuti Vidhyapeeth, Kathmandu.
He has many years of experience in survey research of social science studies including sampling design and data management. Some of the most recent studies are Developing guidelines/manual for preparing province and local level demographic profiles, 2020; Community Resilience Capacity 2018-2019: A Study on Nepal’s 2015 Earthquakes and Aftermath; State of Social Inclusion in Nepal: Caste, Ethnicity and Gender. Evidence from Nepal Social Inclusion Survey 2018; UNFPA/NIDI Survey on Resource Flows for Family Planning Activities in Nepal, 2014-2018; Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Biodiversity Conservation through Integrated Approach in Nepal, 2018; Situation Assessment of Child Marriage in Selected 5 UNFPA Intervention Districts of Nepal, 2017; Study on Population Pressure Index (PPI) in Nepal, 2016; Nepal Earthquake 2015: A SocioDemographic Impact Study (with reference to 14 most affected districts), 2016; 7th UNFPA/Government of Nepal Country Program (2013-2017) Outcome 3: Rounds II-IV Data Collection Study, 2014-2016; Monitoring and Evaluation Baseline Survey, Sakchyam: Access to Finance for Poverty Program, 2015; Survey on Establishment of Baseline Indicators on Forms of Child Labour in Bhaktapur District, 2014; Creating Protective Environment for Children (CPEC), Phase II Project, 2014; etc.
He has many research/study reports and published articles in the issues related to social sciences. He has supervised more than 200 M.A./M.Phil. levels’ dissertations in various topics related to different aspects of social sciences.
He has also knowledge about computer software/programs like CSPro (Census and Survey Programming), SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint. He attended Survey Instruments Review workshop on UNFPA/NIDI family planning expenditure survey organized by Avenir Health in Nairobi, Kenya, 2018; and Training of Country Field Coordinator for conducting SRH baseline survey organized by IPPF-SARO in New Delhi, India, 2010. He also attended various training programs inside the country mainly focusing on issues like small area estimates for FP; estimating MMR from census data; health system research methodology; civil registration and vital statistics system; advanced survey analysis and data management; and multivariate methods. His main area of research interest includes fertility, mortality, migration, sexual and reproductive health including HIV/AIDS, child marriage, and techniques of demographic estimation.
Contact Address | : | Ward No. 9 (Gongabu), Tokha Municipality Kathmandu, Nepal |
Contact. No | : | 977-1-5906713; Mobile: 977-9841228629 |
: | :[email protected], [email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Prof. Ram Sharan Pathak, PhD (Nuwakot, Nepal) is a Professor of Population Studies and affiliated with the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal. As a Senior Population Expert, he is also one of the Expert Members of the TU Population Studies Subject Committee. An MA in Economics (1983, TU) and MA in Demography (1993, ANU), his PhD (1996) is from the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia.
Prof. Pathak's field of expertise is population, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and development, and has a number of national/international publications on various aspects of population, health and development. He has participated and presented papers as chair and paper presenter in the national/international seminars/workshops/conferences on various aspects of population, health and development.
Prof. Pathak has about 40 years of teaching and research experiences in TU and has been supervising M. Phil. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations in Population Studies. He was also the External Evaluator of PhD Dissertation, JNU, New Delhi, India. He has been a principal investigator in several research projects (national/international) conducted by the CDPS, TU for the Ministry of Health and Population; Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare; World Wildlife Fund/Nepal; FPAN; New ERA; Nepal Red Cross Society; Marie Stopes International; UNFPA; British Council/DFID; UNESCAP; World Bank; Save the Children – Nepal; Population Services International- Nepal; Family Health International- Nepal etc.
Prof. Pathak was the Head of the CDPS/TU for two tenures (12 November 2012 – 20 August 2020). He also worked as M. Phil. Program Coordinator (2008 - 2020) at the CDPS/TU and also worked as the Director (2003 - 2007) of Centre for Population Research and Training (CPRT), CDPS/TU. Besides, he also coordinated the national and international training workshops/conferences organized by the CDPS/TU.
Prof. Pathak's professional academic involvement includes: Resource Person/Advisor for the GOs/NGOs/INGOs and National and Foreign Universities; President (2012-2014) Population Association of Nepal (PAN); Member (January 2019 - August 2020), Steering Committee of the National Population Census 2021 (2078 BS), National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal; Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016), Population Division, Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal, Kathmandu; Member (2017-2019) National Population Council Chaired by the Right Honorable Prime Minister, Government of Nepal; Member (2017-2019) Tribhuvan University Academic Council, Kathmandu, Nepal; and Member, Tribhuvan University Senate (17 September 2018 – 20 August 2020), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Prof. Pathak was awarded UNFPA Fellowship (1991-1995) to accomplish his MA, and Ph.D. at the Australian National University, Canberra and awarded Mahendra Viddya Bhushan I in 2 1997. He has been awarded Ambassador for Peace, from the Universal Peace Federation and Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.
Prof. Pathak has visited number of countries including USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Qatar, Philippines, Malaysia, China, and India.
Contact Address | : | Kirtipur Municipality, Ward no. 2, Kathmandu, Nepal |
Contact. No | : | :977-1-4331323 (Off.); 977-1-4330135 (Res.); 977-9851157758 (Cell) |
: | :[email protected], [email protected] | |
CV | : | CV LInk |
Prof. Dr. Govind Subedi is currently the Head of Central Department of Population Studies, Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu, Nepal. He earned his Master Degree in Population Studies from TU and another Master Degree in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), the Hague, the Netherlands. He has completed MPhil and PhD from Center for the Study of Social System (CSSS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India.
He has been teaching for the last 30 years in TU, and his areas of teaching and research are political demography, population and development, population and social justice, gender and development, child rights, trafficking in person and commercial sexual exploitation of children. In addition to teaching in PhD and MPhil program, he has been continuously supervising PhD and MPhil thesis.
He has published a number of research-based articles including books from Nepal as well as from abroad. He also worked with different national and international organizations including with the Ministry of Health and Population and Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens, the Government of Nepal and National Human Rights Commission as his capacity of researcher/evaluator/consultant. He is at present a Senate Member of Tribhuvan University.
He is also a board member of Children Workers in Nepal (CWIN) – a child rights organization in Nepal and a life-member of Indian Sociology Society. Prof. Subedi served as the Principal of University Campus, Tribhuvan University (2013-2017).